Josée Thibeault

Last updated: September 6, 2024

Playwright, director and actor Josée Thibeault has worked in Western Canada’s artistic and cultural community since she moved to Edmonton 30 years ago. A multidisciplinary and multitalented artist, she’s involved in every stage of a production, from writing to directing, in theatre, poetry, comedy, podcasts, TV series and documentaries. Rooted in the oral tradition, her writing explores the narrative voices of her many alter egos.

In addition to numerous spoken-word texts, Josée has written and performed two solo shows featuring monologues, poetry and songs (La petite Lulu tire la langue and Moi, féministe?!), as well as Hiver nation, a spoken-word piece set to music, the recording of which gave its title to the multi-performer album produced by the Centre de développement musical. Hiver nation won the 2022 Envol Prize for artistic creation from the Regroupement artistique francophone de l’Alberta.

In 2019, Josée presented her one-woman show La fille du facteur at the UniThéâtre in Edmonton, at Zones Théâtrales in Ottawa, and on tour in Alberta (winter 2020). This poetic and theatrical tale was published by Les Éditions du Blé in March 2023, and won the 2024 Gwen Pharis Ringwood Award for Drama from the Writers’ Guild of Alberta.

Projects & initiatives

creation Nuits-claires content-card

Nuits claires: Writing at night

A vast French-language theatre writing relay project from Vancouver to Caraquet.