Special Projects

Nuits claires

“Theatre is to the community what nocturnal dreams are to the individual: a way of finding symbolic representations of and even solutions to vital questions that neither logic nor will can grasp or resolve.”
Paul Lefebvre

© Egor Komarov

Writing at night

The National Arts Centre is proud to announce that Nuits claires, a major pan-Canadian project initiated by Mani Soleymanlou, artistic director of NAC French Theatre, and Cory Haas, artistic and managing director of Vancouver’s Théâtre la Seizième, will kick off in a few weeks.

Writing the night: on and during the night, to see what this space liberates by moving away from the usual questions of identity and language. Taking twelve authors on a journey from West to East – against the spindle, in other words – this ambitious adventure will unite them in a creative exploration of the night and its mysteries.

The participants will be chosen to reflect the diversity of the contemporary world, with close supervision by the two dramaturges-accompagnateurs to script and edit the material produced. The project, combining play, nocturnal exploration and transnational collaboration, promises to reveal new voices and visions within the Francophonie in relation to the vital issues of our time.

Writer announcements

Josée Thibeault

L'UniThéâtre (Edmonton)

  September 2024 - In September, Nuits claires stops in Edmonton! Josée Thibeault will be the author of this month marking the transition between summer and fall. The multidisciplinary artist moved to the Alberta capital 30 years ago, home to L'UniThéâtre, a French-speaking company in operation since 1992.

Geneviève Doyon

Open Pit Theatre (Whitehorse)

  August 2024 - After a prolonged first stop in British Columbia – since Cahier Canada got lost in the mail! – the  instructions conceived by Danielle Le Saux-Farmer and Gabriel Plante will guide the work of the actress, author and director Geneviève Doyon, artist from Whitehorse where the nights are often the longest of all the cities visited by the project.


Anais West

Théâtre la Seizième (Vancouver)

  July 2024 - Voilà, the project is officially launched! And we are delighted to announce that Anais West will initiate the venture in British Columbia. The author will shortly receive, by mail, a Canada notebook with the instructions concocted by Danielle and Gabriel; stay tuned to discover more, throughout the month of July, about Anais’ city, writing process, and nights! This very first step takes place in partnership with Théâtre la Seizième, whose 2024-25 season will mark its 50th anniversary.

Proposed schedule and participating companies