Mozart’s Times

The Age of Enlightenment

The late eighteenth century, the period in which Mozart lived, was relatively peaceful. There were no major wars in Europe, though across the ocean the American War of Independence raged from 1775–1783. Yet there was much discontent in Europe. People were getting fed up with a two-class social structure, in which a tiny group of rich people at the top of the social scale held power over a vast number of poor people at the bottom, people with virtually no rights and no way to climb out of their poverty.

But power was slowly changing hands from the aristocracy to the growing middle class. This middle class came about partly through the Industrial Revolution, which brought a sudden, massive increase in the number of jobs available in mines, factories, and on the railroads. It was an age of invention: from Watt’s steam engine (1775) to the hot-air balloon (1783) and carbonated soda (1785)!

A philosophical movement known as the Enlightenment took hold during this period. People began to believe in the power of human reason to solve social problems, to correct unjust behaviour, and to make their lives better. The rights of the individual, freedom of thought, relaxation of censorship, and the gradual abolition of child labour were just some of the changes that resulted from the Enlightenment.


1756: French drive British from Great Lakes region of North America.

1759: British acquire Quebec from French in the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.

1763: Britain provides government for Quebec, Florida, and Grenada.

1765: Joseph II is Emperor of Holy Roman Empire. British Parliament passes Stamp Act to tax American colonies.

1766: Stamp Act repealed, but Britain retains right to tax Americans.

1769: Napoleon Bonaparte born.

1771: Encyclopedia Britannica published.

1774: Roman Catholicism estabished in Canada to guarantee loyalty to Great Britain.

1775: American Revolution begins.

1776: American Declaration of Independence signed July 4.

1780: Fountain pen invented.

1783: France, Spain, Britain, and the United States sign the Treaty of Versailles. The hot-air balloon invented.

1785: Royal Academy of San Carlos (Arts and Culture) founded in Mexico City. Carbonated soda invented.

1787: Constitution signed; federal government of the US established.

1789: The Paris mob storms the Bastille. The French Revolution begins. George Washington inaugurated as first president of the United States.

1791: Canada Constitutional Act divides the country into Upper and Lower Canada. George Vancouver explores the Pacific coast of North America.

Remarkable Minds of Mozart’s World

The only other composer of the time who even came close to matching Mozart’s genius was Franz Joseph Haydn (1732–1809). The two became great friends, learned much from each other, and together created the models that future composers used to write symphonies and string quartets. Then there was Antonio Salieri, an Italian who spent much of his career at the court of Vienna; Johann Christian Bach, one of the leading composers in London; and Christoph Willibald Gluck, noted for his operatic reforms.

In other fields, we find philosophers and writers like Voltaire and Jean-Jacques Rousseau in France, Friedrich von Schiller and E.T.A. Hoffmann in Germany, Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott in Scotland, and Jane Austen in England. Antonio Canaletto and his nephew Bernardo were famous Italian landscape painters, while Jean Honoré Fragonard and Thomas Gainsborough were their contemporaries in France and England, and across the ocean John Singleton Copley painted portraits of famous Americans.