The NAC remains open during this Canada Day weekend.


  This video is only available in french

Somewhere not far from your home, there’s a mother who is trying to forget, who is losing her patience. Mothers whose motherhood is torn apart by life’s daily grind. And on top of all that, there’s everything else...


Creation : Orange Noyée

Artistic direction : Mani Soleymanlou

Video direction : Jonathan Brisebois


Written and performed by Catherine Voyer-Léger


Sound design and mix : Larsen Lupin

Sound recording and video production : David Francke-Robitaille

Editing : Louis-Chevalier Dagenais

Colorization : Olivier Séguin-Dang

Executive Producer : Xavier Inchauspé

Associate Producer : Stéphanie Laurin


A coproduction of Orange Noyée and NAC French Theatre

with Casadel Films


With the support of Conseil des arts et lettres du Québec, Canada's Art Council and Conseil des Arts de Montréal