Tiffany Kuliktana and Inuksuk MacKay are sisters, and they’ve been singing together since they were little. Mixing throat singing and sound effects, they create a new piece right before your eyes. Just for you!
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With a style perpetually galvanized by darkness and haunting northern beauty, sisters, Tiffany Ayalik and Inuksuk Mackay, come together to create Inuit style throat singing duo, PIQSIQ. Performing ancient traditional songs and eerie new compositions, they leave their listeners enthralled with the infinity of possible answers to the question “what is the meaning of life”.
Avec un style perpétuellement galvanisé par la noirceur et la beauté mélancolique du Nord, les sœurs Tiffany Ayalik et Inuksuk Mackay unissent leurs talents pour former PIQSIQ, un duo de chants de gorge de style inuits. En interprétant des chansons traditionnelles et de nouvelles compositions mystérieuses, elles amènent leur public à contempler le nombre infini de réponses possibles à la question du sens de la vie.