NAC French Theatre

Grand Public


© Gérard DuBois

Through cringe sketches interpreted by recently graduated performers, a magical game of mirrors and metamorphoses, a powerful act of resistance and solidarity in favour of beauty, a bewitching maritime tale a bit hypnotic, a joyous exchange of ideas about what we call the canon, or an outlandish epic which borrows to every performing art on stage at once, the 2024-25 season is an invitation to reach out to someone else, whoever they are. 

We invite you to reshape these structures that restrain us. Because they can’t hold us for long, especially if we push together. Readjust, rebalance, harmonize, invent.

Upcoming events

  1. In-person
    Illustration de la silhouette d’un homme qui, de profil, tient au-dessus de sa tête une poubelle métallique en faisant le geste de la vider.

    François Archambault and Gabrielle Chapdelaine specifically created this vitriolic text for fiery theatre graduates, who delight in using twisted morality and uncomfortable dialogues to criticize our toxic positivity and other seemingly compassion-driven acts.…

  2. In-person
    Sur un fond rose, on voit la silhouette de profit d’une jeune fille qui semble s’envoler. Elle porte des collants blancs et une robe noire et le haut de son corps est une énorme tête d’âne.

    This theatre dreamscape portrays an astounding metamorphosis, a moulting: the tale of a woman on a quest for her true skin, a skin the colour of freedom. Astoundingly, the many characters in this reinvented fairy tale are all portrayed by two magnetic performers: Sophie…

  3. In-person
    Illustration du corps d’une femme recroquevillé au sol. Au-dessus d’elle flotte une énorme main qui semble vouloir emprisonner son corps.

    This powerful show for a singer and choir singers was created based on the vitriol constantly spewed at Safia Nolin. The mirror doesn’t just show the image of an inspiring artist grappling with her identity; it also shows the terrifying reflection of our collective…

  4. In-person
    Quatre personnages debout les uns derrière les autres portent un cinquième corps horizontalement au-dessus d’eux, créant l’effet d’une silhouette de licorne

    This caustic comedy for neurotypical and neurodivergent performers tackles contemporary ethical issues, including the infamous “who can play whom,” as laid out by Pirandello a century ago. But instead of walking on eggshells to tiptoe around the answer, the…

  5. In-person
    Illustration montrant une imposante tête qui émerge de l’eau, telle une île, sur laquelle se tiennent deux personnages.

     When a creative company known for films dredges up from the vaults of the past a masterpiece of theatre by filmmaker Pierre Perrault, it throws the audience onto the banks of the river, dreaming of half-obscured horizons. This bewitching maritime tale is directed…

  6. In-person Video
    Illustration du profil d’un visage regardant vers le ciel. On dirait une montagne. De la bouche s’échappe une volute de fumée rappelant le corps d’une femme.

     The breathtaking Anne-Marie Olivier plays Maurice Dancause, a man who, after a violent stroke, woke up a total stranger to himself. Everything he had taken for granted had to be relearned: speaking, eating, holding a spoon. With help from a conversation partner…

  7. In-person
    Illustration du profil d’un personnage rappelant Shakespeare, qui tient dans une main un crâne de squelette et dans l’autre un téléphone portable.

    A joyous exchange of ideas, eloquent and irreverent, about the works that have left their mark on Western theatre. A fantastic team of artists unabashedly plays with the ostentatious subject of what makes a “classic” to cast an “antiquatedly new”…

  8. In-person Video
    Illustration de la silhouette d’un homme au dos courbé qui porte une énorme croix dorée dont une extrémité étincelle.

    This outlandish epic, which borrows as much from the history of Jesus as it does from pop culture, is a two-part work in the style of a hyperactive kaleidoscope. Dance, theatre, kung-fu, mime, song, lip synching: every performing art on stage at once to tell the tale…

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