
Manon St-Jules

Last updated: June 13, 2024

Manon has led a bilingual career since graduating from the Acting Program of the National Theatre School. Whether in classical or contemporary pieces, she’s collaborated with companies across the country, specifically Toronto (Canadian Stage, Festival of Classics, Theatre Direct, Pleiades), Montreal (Denise-Pelletier, Centaur, Segal Centre, Usine C) and Sudbury (STC, TNO).  In Ottawa, she’s performed for French and English Theatre at the NAC, GCTC, Arts Court, la Catapulte, Rouge Écarlate and Créations InVivo. She’s hosted concerts with the NAC Orchestra, the GG’s Performing Arts Awards Gala and several corporate events throughout the country.  Her work on-camera includes dramatic as well as comedic parts in film, television, commercials and various multimedia projects. Recent credits include: Pour toi Flora (SRC), Eaux Turbulentes (ARTV and SRC), the feature Noël en boîte as well as three seasons of the youth tv series Amélie et Compagnie.   

Along with regular voice work, Manon has done extensive work in translating and adapting various artistic and educational projects. She’s translated plays and librettos, as well as having been on the script writing team of 3 youth tv series, most recently the second season of Gang de hockey (TFO). With her teaching experience at the University of Ottawa’s Theatre Department, as well as coaching both student and professional actors alike, Manon is now transitioning into directing. She’s directed a couple of readings, a production of Aéroportée at the TNO, as well as assistant-directed Benevolence with Eric Coates at the GCTC. She’s currently working alongside French actor Caroline Raynaud to develop a one-woman show; its first incarnation was presented at the TNO in February 2024. 

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