
Karine Sauvé

Last updated: November 19, 2021

Impressive Theatre Animal

A human animal unique among our local artistic fauna, Karine Sauvé is an actress, puppeteer and director of Mammifères, an interdisciplinary company that produces innovative shows for young audiences, including Les Grands-Mères mortes (winner of the Association québécoise des critiques de théâtre award), presented at the NAC in 2015. A UQAM graduate in puppet theatre, she has collaborated as a performer or designer on creations by artists in all disciplines (David Paquet, Nicolas Letarte, Nathalie Derome). If you were to write a lexicon to describe her practice, you’d have to include the words: contemporary art, modern music, organic matter, laughter, vocals, poetry, fur!

Upcoming events

  1. In-person Video
    Illustration montrant la silhouette d’une femme qui tient dans ses mains un arrosoir à la manière d’une guitare électrique.  

    What if veggies made rock and roll as they grew? Come experience this unique and immersive 360-degree show that will knock your socks off. Featuring a see-through greenhouse fully lit up with colourful video projections, and at the centre, an actual three-part band to…

NAC media featuring Karine Sauvé