
Frédéric Moisan

Saint-Brieuc France

Last updated: September 4, 2024

Frédéric Moisan was born and raised in the town of Saint-Brieuc in France. His teachers included Jean-Christophe Spinosi, Anne-Marie de Boisgisson and Dominique Barbier (Paris). After receiving the Gold Medal for violin and chamber music in Saint-Brieuc, he began advanced orchestra training under Charles Frey in 2000 and took Patrick Fevai's masterclass at the Nantes Conservatory.

After graduating in 2002, Frédéric went to Finland to study with Tapani Yrjölä and won the "Young Soloist of North Karelia" award in 2003. This led to his joining the Joensuu Symphony Orchestra as an additional musician for two years.

In 2005, Frédéric left Finland to further his studies with Claude Richard at the University of Montreal. He obtained his master's in music performance in 2007 and his doctorate in 2010. The subject of his doctoral thesis was the original 1902 version of Sibelius's violin concerto. He became Professor Richard's assistant for the following two years.

Frédéric has performed as a soloist in France, Finland and Canada. In March 2012, he performed the world premiere of Debussy's Serenade for Violin and Orchestra, reconstructed from the composer's musical sketches by Robert Orledge, with Paolo Bellomia conducting.

Before joining the National Arts Centre Orchestra in September 2016, Frédéric played solo violin with the Ensemble Arkea (conducted by Dina Gilbert), the Orchestre Philharmonique du Nouveau Monde and Orchestre 21 and was a violinist and founding member of "Collectif9." Much of his free time is devoted to teaching, a favourite pursuit.

Frédéric plays a Peter Westerlund violin with a W.E. Hill bow loaned to him by a generous patron. 

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